Today I'm playing host to Rachel Green and her blog tour and I got to ask her a few questions which are listed below.
An Ungodly Child wasn’t the sort of book I would usually read and was determined not to like it. You have two wives are you mad?
Fair enough! I did have two wyves. Now I have a wife and a husband, sort-of. Yes. I have been certified mad, but not for that.
Sorry I got distracted a bit. Against my better judgement I actually enjoyed the book and would read the next one but... two wives!... Jasfoup? I had real problems with this name and couldn’t get my head or tongue around it would you consider calling him Bob in further instalments?
I’m very glad you liked it despite yourself. Yes…and I love them both. Jasfoup just is. His name is pronounced Jas (as in pass) foup (as in hoop). I thought of Bob but alas the name was already in use by several people who looked nothing like Jasfoup.
I tend to use my evaporated milk just the once but how do you feel about reincarnation?
Far too sweet for me, I’m afraid. I’ll stick with Elmlea and Eternity.
I did dabble in the occult for a while. I gave up all my worldly goods and was locked in a room made to perform cunnilingus for hours on end. No sorry that was the ‘o’ cult what are your views on the dark arts?
I dabbled in the occult once but it was full of old prams and bicycles. I did dredge up an old shell, though. The ‘o’ culd held my interest for many years and I’ve been published in some relevant journals about the subject. The Dark Arts I have no views about, other than Why Not Turn The Lights On Then, Do You Really Think A Demon Is Going To Think “Oh Noes! Too Bright To Cause Mayhem Without Shades, Man. Apart from that, I tend to side with Jasfoup in that the ‘dark arts’ are just Christians out for a fast buck. Seriously, though, there’s some dark shit out there.
Is it possible one of the cats in my house puts spells on me and is stopping me from winning the lottery? I can see the bitterness in her eyes!
It is entirely possible, yes. You should feed her only fresh tuna for a year. She might let you win the lottery then, on a day that the colour of the sky matches her eyes.
It is entirely possible, yes. You should feed her only fresh tuna for a year. She might let you win the lottery then, on a day that the colour of the sky matches her eyes.
Do you have any tips on getting rid of slugs?
Concrete the whole garden. Failing that, beer traps and the old lob-the-buggers-over-the-fence method.
Concrete the whole garden. Failing that, beer traps and the old lob-the-buggers-over-the-fence method.
I know you enjoy painting, me too...
I’ve never painted you
...don’t you just hate it when they print the numbers so small you don’t know which colour paint to use?
That’s why I have imps
I’ve never painted you
...don’t you just hate it when they print the numbers so small you don’t know which colour paint to use?
That’s why I have imps
The two wives thing that’s a joke right?
One makes me tea and the other makes visitors make me tea
If you’re out on a moonlit night
Be careful of them neighborhood strays
Of a lady with long black hair
Tryin to win you with her feminine ways
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future, the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
You’d better get out of there fast
Part of Cliff Richards Devil Woman! Now I think he might be a fallen angel, what do you think?
It rather depends if you’re a fan of his or not. I don’t think he Fell, per-se, just skinned his knees a bit.
One makes me tea and the other makes visitors make me tea
If you’re out on a moonlit night
Be careful of them neighborhood strays
Of a lady with long black hair
Tryin to win you with her feminine ways
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future, the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
You’d better get out of there fast
Part of Cliff Richards Devil Woman! Now I think he might be a fallen angel, what do you think?
It rather depends if you’re a fan of his or not. I don’t think he Fell, per-se, just skinned his knees a bit.
Do you intend in finding an interesting way to hurt me?
Only if you can afford my rates, otherwise, I’ll leave the hurting tasks to my agent.
Only if you can afford my rates, otherwise, I’ll leave the hurting tasks to my agent.
Do you think a leatherdyke is practical to withstand torrential rain?
Only if several women are prepared to stick their fingers into the holes.
Only if several women are prepared to stick their fingers into the holes.
And on that note we quickly call it a day!!