Monday, 6 October 2008

Yeah I know it's been a long time!!

Yesterday I purchased two pictures off a site on the Internet. We whiled (is that a real word) many an hour choosing the right ones. The first was a picture of a car driving down an asphalt road with snow covered verges and the other an apple core. We were pleased with the purchases! They were the right dpi (does it sound like I know what I'm talking about?) and I managed to make them exactly the required size. I went to bed happy in the knowledge that everything was looking good.

but, I had a nagging doubt that was still there when I woke and kept me awake!

By lunchtime today all my fears were confirmed. DAMN!

So if anyone is on the lookout for a picture of an apple core or a car on... you know where to come. Only four credits each!


Kahless said...

I dont understand????

Oh and good to see you back in blogland.

Lady in red said...

core you drive a hard bargain

DJ Kirkby said...

Your book cover is as perfect as your book honey. Lol to Lady's comment!

Anonymous said...

eh, you lost me an all?!
yeah I know it's easy to do that!
any ways congrats on posting LOL do miss ya x

Chris King said...

Sorry! But I knew what I meant. :)I'm waiting on some news and will try and explain a bit better when I get it!

nitebyrd said...

Okay. Clear as mud.